Thursday, January 24, 2013

Staging Myth ........

A popular staging myth is that home staging is simply decorating; staging for sale does require decorating abilities, a detailed eye, plus a whole different set of skills, knowledge, and abilities.  We must remember that when you are decorating or designing a space for living it revolves around the style, color and preferences of the person living in that space.  When you are preparing a home for a future buyer you don't know who that is.  If you take one look on MLS listings the misconception is obvious.  

When you work with me as your staging professional, I not only bring my skills, knowledge, and abilities to work for you.  I also bring facts and strategies for sale.

Remember this, where ever the eyes rest, the sale begins, and when you work with me I know the strategies to use so the eyes stop where they are supposed to!

posted by Unknown @ 9:32 AM   0 Comments


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